Close relatives are now angry at the dangerous barrier. Having an electrified fence creates a hell of a danger to their children.
How can the local authorities allow the wall to remain in place and remain functional? Surely there are laws in place in Virginia that prohibit traps and dangerous hazards?
Unfortunately, the continued presence of an electric fence can lead to a tragic event, and the chances of someone getting hurt are high. It is clear that the human body does not respond well to huge amounts of electricity.
The question remains why anyone would electrify the fence and pose such a danger.
Land owners do not want to see damage or vandalism happen on the land they are investing time and money in. Young people don’t always respect owners’ boundaries because they don’t always understand them. Either way, there is no excuse for trespassing and vandalism.
To protect against intentional or accidental problems, homeowners build fences and walls. However, barrier electrification is taking things to dangerous levels.
The positive point of the story is that the tale is an example of caution in young people. They should be aware of the dangers in their area.
You can watch the full story in the video below: